Hands-On & Other Activities
Today was a hands-on session, with some personal projects being progressed, and with tuition being given to new member Glyn, and guests Scott and William – it was nice to see them at the meeting and getting stuck in. I was mostly doing other things (see below) but, amongst other things, I saw a nice goblet in the making.
Elsewhere in the hall, there was eager anticipation as our new Coronet Herald lathe was unpacked and set up on its stand ready for use at the next meeting on March 7th. It looks like it’ll be a nice little lathe, compact and easily moved around for demos and Hands-On alike.
Other members were busy prepping our club stand for Daventry Woodworks in May, moving some materials out of storage, and generally tidying up. One of our DML-36 lathes was also dismantled and taken away, soon to be sold.
All too soon it was time to sweep up, tidy up and lock up after a busy but productive meeting.
Until next time, safe turning….