This was our AGM, so unfortunately more about business matters than woodturning, but there were some nice competition items to admire (first meeting of the month) which we’ll get to later.
Chairman Mick Denton opened the meeting and delivered the Chairman’s report, followed by reports from the various other club officers. The Treasurer’s statement was accepted, subject to audit at a later date and it was agreed that subscriptions and the meeting entry charges would remain unchanged at £10 and £4 respectively.

All Committee Members were re-elected unchanged apart from the position of Webmaster which Ken Garratt agreed to take on from Duncan Anderson. The list of club officers on the website has been updated although the website is likely to be a joint effort for a while.
Turner Of The Year
After the main business was concluded, it was time to announce the results of the Turner Of The Year competition – awarded for the total competition points accummulated throughout the year. On this occasion, our very own Chairman, Mick Denton scooped 1st prize by a good margin:
1st Mick, 190 points

2nd Bob, 145 points
3rd Roger, 140 points
4th Gerald, 135 points
Congratulations to Mick, who has put in a lot of very nice pieces at the competitions and very well done to all who took part in the competitions – and we must all try harder next year to give him a run for his money!
After the raffle, it was time for tea and a general natter before the auction of member’s redundant equipment, some good bargains being taken away at the end of the evening.

Now that 2017-18 Turner Of The Year has been announced, it is time to start of the 2018-19 competitions and AGM or no AGM, the first meeting of the month is competition time with this month’s results being:
1st A beautifully turned yew goblet with blackwood(?) stem by Mick.

2nd A holly vase by Roger; very nice, we don’t see holly very often.

3rd A nice piece of spalted beech put to good use in this bowl by Adrian.