Club Night – 15th May 2024

The evening started with Roger Gilbert and Mick Denton thanking all of those people involved in making the WoodWorks show such a success. This reflects on the club as a whole in the quality of work exhibited on both days.  Thank you all for your input.

The demonstration for the night was by Ian George, a long term member who has demonstrated before. His offering was a smoking mushroom with a tealight inside.

This is made up from 2 cones made from a Yew branch and having a live edge element to give additional interest.

The project involved reverse chucking both elements so it was interesting to see this in action.

The 2 elements had been prepared before hand so that the blanks each had a chucking tenon in place. The base section was then mounted and the inside rough turned to get the general shape and a chucking mortice created on the inside. 

This gave Ian the opportunity to get the shape of the piece and could then reverse the blank and turn the outside.

The piece was then reverse chucked again and the thickness tweaked until Ian felt it was right.

The top was then mounted on the chuck and using the same processes turned to final size.

The last piece to make was the chimney which was effectively a small cylinder which was then cut roughly in half at an angle then glued back together to make the offset. The top was drilled to take this and it was glued to place.

The last part was to add decoration in the form of windows and a door.

The panes were effectively created by drilling holes and then opening them up with a Dremel. The Dremel was then used to carve out the window and door frames. The tea light was placed inside the base so that the light showed through the windows and door panes. A lighted spill was put inside the top so that smoke would rise through the chimney.