Club Night – 14th February 2023.

For this evenings entertainment Ian George provided a demonstration and the subject this time was a candlestick, the type you associate with Victorian children going to bed with.

The candle stick was made up from 3 parts, a base, a stick and a handle, all of which was made from Yew. Ian started with the base, done as a faceplate turned item initially on a screw chuck, and then re-chucked into the main jaws. 

The stick part was turned in spindle mode with a tenon made so that it fitted into the base. The handle was turned as a ring and then a pin turned that would hold the handle in place. The 3 items were then glued together to create the finished item.

To use up the last 15 minutes of the evening Ian quickly turned a candle. The project provided a really entertaining evening.

Club Night – 1st February 2023

The evening was a hands on session where 2 lathes were set up and Mick Denton did his sharpening workshop. He also broke away from this to give some instructions on a lathe. There were several members who also used the lathes for practice and providing experience to people who are new to woodturning. Even though the attendance was down on usual, overall it was a good night.

The February competition table was also open with a variety of projects. Unfortunately the photo’s are pretty poor so below is just the list of the top 3.

First was Roger Gilbert with his Yew vase and daffodils.

Second was Bob Green with his trio of wet turned thin vases / goblets.

Third was Geoff Warr with his Femisphere mounted on a plinth.