The evening demonstration was done by Roger Gilbert who stood in for Richard Coleman who is currently unwell, so our wishes go to him and trust you have a speedy recovery. Roger set about demonstrating the making of a table lamp using the inside out turning technique.
This is where 4 square pieces of wood are temporarily joined together with a paper glue joiint and turned to shape. The joints are then opened and the pieces rearranged at 180 degrees to each other and the glued back together. The blank was previously prepared as the glue must be fully cured and this enabled Roger to complete the form to its final shape.
The final result is a “see through” spindle to make the vertical element of the lamp.
The top and bottom solid sections were drilled to accept a brass tube through which the flex would run.
Roger then turned the base and married the 2 pieces together with appropriate holes for the flex to be run to place.
This was an entertaining demonstration which showed a technical piece of turning and construction to best effect.