Non Club Events

External Events

There are a number of events run by others that could be worth attending and these are listed below. If you know of others that may be of interest to our members then please let a committee member know and we will look to include it.

Daventry Woodworks 2025

This show, run by Tudor Rose Woodturners, is already being planned for next year and is scheduled to run on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th May  2025.

More details will be put here in due course but, for now, a call for club members to consider whether they have skills or ideas to offer in the ongoing group competition.

The competition this year will be a tea set to our own design, to be made over the course of the year and to be on the table by Friday 9th.

So, if you have ideas for the design of the set or the parts that make it up please let MariVe or Mick know as they’ll be leading the group effort and co-ordinating the work.

Workbridge Centre, Bedford Road, Northampton NN4 7AD

The club has links with Workbridge and donate wood or turned items for sale to help with their good work through the Saint Andrews Charity.

This year’s Workbridge Christmas Craft Fair will take place over the weekend of 7/8 December. Stuart and his helpers have already started producing Christmas Trees
and a small army of snowmen, snowwomen and snowkids.
Each figure has a ‘ball’ head which is adorned with a range of bobble, bowler and top hats which can then be placed at any jaunty angle on the body thereby creating a variety of quirky individual pieces.

The snowmen are made from 2 x 2 pine and, in the main, turned with just a skew and a detail gouge – if you’d like to swell the numbers for charity, why not give it a try and take them down to Workbridge?

FOR ALL WOODTURNERS: In their store, Workbridge sell a range of Chestnut products (the only place in Northampton to do so?) and a selection of woodturning blanks.

In addition to this, they provide quality WOODTURNING INSTRUCTION on the Centre’s variety of lathes.

In addition to this, they provide quality WOODTURNING INSTRUCTION on the Centre’s variety of lathes.

For all enquiries, please email Stuart Whitney: